In Portugal’s Alentejo region, designer and entrepreneur Francesco Ippolito has built
a modernist off-grid sanctuary that paves the way for his
plans to create a high-end, design-focused retreat.
This Paris pied-à-terre is not just a modernist space-saving marvel, it has Le Corbusier’s blessing to boot. Monocle takes in its fold-out ingenuity and primary-coloured delights.
Unlike the usual identikit winter lodge, this remastered getaway in the French Alps is inventive – but its unique sense of style doesn’t detract from its homely charm.
With work ranging from cathedral renovations to university buildings, architect Jim Olson has stayed true to his principle that buildings should be a bridge between nature, culture and people. His family lodge is a labour…
When Nicolas Graas revamped Hermès Luxembourg, he ended up living above the shop. Well, Lionel Jadot’s design does show off the occasional flash of an Hermès orange box to perfection.