Sarah Rowland - Contributors | Monocle

Contributors / Sarah Rowland

L 160


Open kitchen

A new restaurant is mixing up the Moroccan food scene by combining traditional design and French flair. Time to tuck in.

A 160


Romancing the stone

The historic buildings of London, including such landmarks as Buckingham Palace, owe a lot to a dedicated team of stone-carvers and their skills.

L 155


Urban upswing

Dallas has sprawled in all directions but much of the action still comes from the city centre: from the Arts District and newly-built parklands to the neighbourhoods that are being brought back to life as new residents move…

i 153


Rest easy

Downtown LA Proper has been three years in the making. We take a tour of the revamped 1920s building that’s luring the overnight crowd back to the area.

L 153


Feathering the nest

We meet the farmer nurturing Iceland’s very soft-power darling – its eider ducks – by modernising the industry and boosting profits.

L 4


Sunny outlook

Entrepreneurs in the US might be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a city in which to set up shop. But established hubs like New York and Chicago can’t compete with the warm embrace of Miami, where start-ups…

f 136


On a roll

Denim production once defined US textile manufacturing but a focus on quantity over quality nearly snuffed it out. Now Vidalia Mills is bucking the fast-fashion trend. We meet the founders of the first denim mill to open…

C 128


Holding the stage

Though they are the product of a director’s vision, even the most iconic film scenes are mediated by a set designer. Kris Moran is one of the industy’s best and it’s her eagle eye that helps her find the perfect props.

C 114


Tour de force

Life as a touring musician isn’t easy. We meet the folks behind the buses that keep the show on the road.

C 106


Time bandit

On his latest album, Sam Beam, otherwise known as Iron & Wine, is in a reflective mood. His theory: embrace the moment but if it’s not happening, just do something else.

L 101


Calling the shots

In a new series, we meet illustrious figures in the places that they feel most at ease. William Eggleston, once a reviled photographer in the art world, is now a hero who finds peace at his piano.

B 88


High notes

People still come to Nashville for the tunes but increasing numbers are pitching up in the capital of country music to chase other dreams. The result tis a dynamic small-business culture and a quality of life that is hard…


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